
Towards a healthy Ramadaan

TOWARDS A HEALTHY AND NUTRITIOUS RAMADAAN. Ramadaan this year is arriving in the summer season between the months of May and June 2018 in the Gregorian calendar. Its scorching heat and we really need to combat it with good nutrition, healthy eating habits, cleanliness and a cautious level of personal hygiene. The average time duration of every fast this Ramadaan will be approximately 14 hours and 20 minutes. One has to keep an eye on what he Eats, Drinks, Wears and does to make this a better Ramadaan than before. As we know that the love for Allah, Taqwa and Ikhlaas plays an important role in Praying and making Ramadhaan better and fruitful for the upcoming year, "HEALTH" is equally important to pray with peace the entire month. HOW to keep cool, pray and be healthy the entire month? Here's a healthy piece of information which I would like to share with you all in regards to the nutrition which one should try to adopt. I will try to shed some light on bo...
Talbina We usually come across this word, in the mosque during small Islamic conversations, during lectures from our Teachers or while watching videos and surfing the internet. What is Talbina? It's an Arabic dish prepared with barley, milk and honey in the porridge form. It was recommended by Prophet Muhammad PBUH to his companions when suffering through an illness or weakness of any kind. There are many Ahadeeth that briefly describe its importance in the life of the Holy Prophet and his companions. Barley, Honey & Milk Barley is the white barley after removing the husk. Milk is better if its Cows milk(easier to digest), dairy milk and normal canned milk will also work Honey is used as a sweetener as it has medicinal properties being a natural sweetener. Talbina is easily prepared and could be refrigerated for consumption the next day. How to cook Talbina? There are various methods all over the internet by which you can prepare ...